Tuesday, December 30, 2014

20-21 Weeks Halfway Done

My mind is still blown that we are pregnant with TWINS and halfway done! 
I feel like time is flying and the rush to get their room done has started. 
I don't think there is enough time in the day and I know Jeremy can agree. 
The belly is growing bigger and bigger. The kicks are coming more frequent and I love it. I can't wait until they can kick their daddy. 
This past week was our Christmas break and it was awesome. I got 5 days with my husband it was like a mini vacation :) We got to register! I was so looking forward to this! I have been with my friends and sister in law and finally it was my time after 10 years! Target was out 1st stop and was really easy because they have a very small selection. Then to Babies-r-us!! That place is so overwhelming we did great the first hr haha then we were over it! I forgot to take pictures (this was the only one I got )haha
We (meaning Jeremy)painted the babies room a Sea Foam Pearl( a mint color) I love it in the natural light but when we put the light on it looks more Green then anything. 

We are not painting again lol. So I will deal with it!! 
While I was finishing up some editing Jeremy was putting the baby beds and dresser in the room! The dresser turned out amazing he did such a great job! I can't believe it's all coming together and we will be adding two perfect little babies. 

The names have been chosen and I love them more and more I say it. 

Baby Boy's name is Bennett Paul 
Baby Girl's name is Gentry Lynn 

The picks below are of the past few weeks 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

19 Weeks almost halfway

Symptoms: Nothing really other than being tired . I am getting my energy back 

Maternity Clothes: Yup not all the time.


Movements: they are moving a little. Hopefully in the next week or two I will feel them more 

Sleep: I had really good sleep last night ! Woke up not being tired. It's been a while since I felt like that 

Cravings: Boba Smoothies 

Best Pregnancy Moment: making it to the halfway mark for twins!!! We finally started to get he rooms all switched around. We need SAMs old room cleaned out and painted then we will be ready to decorate . We went to Love Bug Baby Bedding and Jeremy was sold so we will be going back Saturday morning to start the process or ordering the twins bedding. Pretty exciting because I have finally decided on the fabrics. It only took my 4 months. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

16 & 17 Week Update

Not a lot going on over here! 
This is my busy season for Photography so I have been trying to beat this bi-polar weather and me being tired all the time. 

I think I am finally through the crazy part of session so now it's time to play catch up on work and get started on the twins room! 
Below is my 16/17 week picture .. Yes I know I am huge! But thankfully no weight gain so far! Surprising YES

Symptoms: Just tired at this point 

Maternity Clothes: Yup not all the time.


Movements:   I feel them move every once in a while. I can't wait to feel them all the time! 

Sleep: No good sleep ! Jeremy says I sound like Darth Vader while sleeping. Poor guy ended up on the floor to hide from me. I like to sleep on my belly or my back and I can't do either :/

Cravings: nothing really 

Best Pregnancy Moment: Jeremy finishing the twins changing table! (Picture below) Finding out that we will have the best of both worlds! Boy Girl Twins! 
My blue world has finally got some pink! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gender reveal day!

Of course like any other day that you wait for big new .. It seems like the longest day ever! 
We arrived at the Doctor office and my stomach was in knots ! Not sure why I was so nervous. Lacy(my sister-in-law) joined us because she was throwing us a reveal party later that night so she needed to see the gender of the littles. 
As soon as the sonographer gave her the news she bolted! She wasn't about to stay any longer knowing her facial expression would give it away. 

Man that wait was the hardest wait ever thankfully we were stuck in traffic for a while on the way to moms. 

Everything was so perfect Lacy did such a great job and I am so thankful for her!! 
The theme was Boots or Bows 
We had 2 black balloons with A & B attached to them. A cute cake and banners! I loved it all! Everyone showed up so I talked and talked and then I couldn't take it any longer ha! 

We are Over the moon to annoce we are having 
A baby Boy and baby Girl!! 

Below Miss P is playing in the confetti! 
Thank you Shannon for coming to share our special day!! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

14 Week Update

It's been awhile ! 
The past 14 weeks have gone by so fast. I told myself I would take pictures weekly and blog weekly ...guess what ..haven't done either. 

We met with our Doctor and I love her! She answered questions about the twins and made me feel better about everything that's going on. I think she scared Jeremy lol. We are considered High risk only because they are twins  other than that they look perfect. They are both growing right on track! 

It is the sweetest thing to see both of them moving around. We got to see Baby A's little profile and Baby B's was showing everything :) 

Everytime we go in we get a Sono and I love it! Here are the littles at 12weeks 
This is what I'm working with already lol it's going to be HUGE! 

Symptoms: my all day sickness is finally going away. I think 

Maternity Clothes: Yup my momma and Jeremy bought me some maternity pants! Shirts not so much yet 

Gender:TWINS We find out on the 12th 

Movements:   I swear felt something in my right lower abdominal area. I 

Sleep: Sleeping I can tell is going to be a problem! I like to sleep on my belly or my back and I can't do either :/

Cravings: Jersey Mike's other than that It's all really random! Nothing that I have to have everyday. Dr. Pepper is one that I would love to have everyday 

Best Pregnancy Moment: So far just having Jeremy be there for everything! When we 1st got to see the Sono and finding out your Twins! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sono Day!

It took forever for this day to come too! 

We just wanted to make sure our little bean or beans were growing on track.

So 3:30 came around and we headed to the appt!
Nurse came and got us after sitting for a few minutes the Doctor came in 

They asked how I've been feeling ..
A little sick.. TIRED...TIRED and blah lol 

Normal of course 

Ask soon as the sono started I saw it! 

And so did the Dr Doody! Nurse Rudy said dum dum dummmmm lol 

He said there are definitely more than 1!! What !?? Wait ?!? What?!? 

That's right 2 babies I couldn't stop giggling! Jeremy's comment after his eye filled with tears was "who's idea was that" 
We just all laughed and the Dr.Doody said not mine! 

I can't tell you how blessed I feel to being carrying two little miracles! These little babies are so loved by so many already and they don't even know it! 

Next sono 9/29 pray these little beans are healthy as can be ;)

Spotting :(

So I had some spotting after a long day of Baby Shower and shopping for my nephew Breken! 

Really scary .. I never had this with Blake :( 

We called the nurse and she had us come in the next day! So thankful for a 7 day a week infertiy clinic !

My beta results came back 

They are 11000 <--- or something pretty near it 

She said it was great and to drink lots of water! 

2nd Beta !!

Well the levels look perfect they went up to 544 

I am 4 weeks 2 days

ob sono the week of the 15 !!

Took about 15 test just to confirm lol I'm still in shock! 

Telling Jeremy the Big News!

So I'm pretty sure I drove him crazy all day! 

I would call just to pass the time and he would think I have the results ! Lol pretty funny 

So after my blood work and getting my results I still called him and played it off as not knowing. 

I wasn't about to miss the look on his face so I held it all to myself for 3 hrs and then I left work I couldn't handle it anymore ! While at work I made him a little sign that said " Hi Daddy I can't wait to meet you" (pictured below) 

So I called him one last time
And told him I'm going to Starbucks to get a drink. Why he asked lol cause I'm thirsty 

So when i got to Starbucks I order 2 drinks 1 for Jeremy saying "Daddy to be" and the 2nd for Sam saying "sister to be"

Headed home the most exciting ride home ever lol 

So I got home and had the drinks and the little picture in my hand 

They took the drinks without even looking at the name lol ... figures 

I turned on my camera and recorded away ... It was the best reaction ever! 
Yes he cried and it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen! We have wait over 2 years for this day!! Gosh I love this man and my sweet babes !

Beta Results

Man just let me tell you first I scheduled my appt later in the day hoping things would go a little quicker . Boy was I wrong! The day went by so slow. 

So my appt came at 1:00 got called back  took 5 minutes and went on my way 

Not even an hr later the nurse called as always I try to read into their voice but I couldn't! 

She delivered the greatest news I've heard this entire journey

my hcg level was 200! Which was perfect!! 

How I told Jeremy is on the next blog!

Now to see if HCG continues to grow!! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Beta Day is here!

Daily I updated our mirror with how many days we have left and how many days we been doing injections :) 

It's TEST Day!! Not until 1PM 
It's going to be a long day ;) 

Today is our day 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

God is good all the time 
All the time God is good

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Things are a little different this round

I am 8 days past our FET transfer and I'm starting to feel a little different. 
This could all be in my head <---😆

I'm having mild cramping and my back will hurt every once in a while. That again can mean 2 things lol 

Early pregnancy symptoms or AF is about to visit 

At night and early morning I'm having a blah feeling like a pit at the bottom of my stomach. 

Again it could all be in my head!

my sense of smell 👃 ! I feel like I can sniff anything out at this moment haha

Let's all pray that I will get my Positive test :) 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Trust God Not Google!

I think I am on every blog known to man trying to figure out what all these little twinges of pain mean!

It's going to make me crazy!! Just kidding I'm already to that point. 
Yesterday was emotionally draining for me and for no reason! 
I think I have officially freaked my self out about this round not working  :( 

I feel like AF is about to start any day and I can't remember if I felt like this last time.

I will continue to trust in god and his plan for us! 

Until Wednesday ...  

If your reading this please say a little prayer for me <3 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Transfer is over

We are now on the 20minute wait and my bladder is about to explode .. Not as bad as last time though! We Transferred 2 embryo 1 was a 5AA is great quality and other was a 4BA is still good. 

Testing next week to see if these little beans are gonna stay around :)  

Today is the day!

We transfer 2 tiny embryos today! We pray that one or even both will stay for the long haul! 
I haven't had negative thoughts like I did with the 1st one. Which is weird cause I always look at the negative side .
I even had a dream last night that we were pregnant and I was trying to surprise Jeremy ! 

I feel like I am going into this round more relaxed .. No bloated no pain( except for my butt! Because of progesterone injections) happy! Excited and a little more open with people about it :) 

Praying that today is our day and we will be coming home as a family of 5 or 6 Hahahaha 

Friday, August 15, 2014

FET date is set!!

We had our Sono Tuesday to follow up with the appearance of my endometrium (lining of the uterus). Our nurse Nikki said it was nice and fluffy( Fluffy... Along with everything else on my body ;) ) anyways it was nice and thick 11.21mm anything greater then 8 is where we needed to be. 
So we are scheduled for our transfer on 8/18 at 1PM 

I need to check in about 30 minutes  before so that we can speak with our Embryologist! We have decided to stick with transferring 2 little embryos. This was a big ordeal for me because I started to freak out a little. The outcome we are going after is 1 healthy baby and transferring 2 puts us in a higher risk. SCARY! I prayed and god will give us what we can handle!! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

E2 levels and Sono... And a little road trip

Friday was our E2 blood work and Sono to see if my lining is thinning out. Our nurse said everything looks great nice and thin!!! Yea!!  My E2 levels came back at 69.8 which is nice and low. They gave me the OK to start to take Estrace and to lower the Lupron injections to 10mcg. 
!We have another E2 & Sono scheduled for 8/12 . As of right now we are still on track for FET the week of August 19th ...which is right at 2 weeks away!!! This round is going a lot slower because there are less appts but let me tell you I am so glad I don't have to do bloodwork every 2-3 days! My veins are thankful for that :) 
But I feel like I am about to loose my mind! I'm not a patient person!

 I know that if I just relax good news will come our way. 

So Friday night we decided to run to the deer lease so that Jeremy could check his feeders and put up his game camera. Anytime we go anywhere we have to pack up my shots! We have a little cooler that we take pretty much everywhere with us cause we never know how long we will be out! See below for a little photoshoot :) your welcome 

I'm pointing at Jeremy... I didn't want to get out because I brought flip flops ! 
FET makes your crazy. ^ see told ya! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baseline/Calendar and a little embryo talk !!

Yesterday was a very last minute appt but so glad we got it done! 
We went in to sign our FET paperwork stating the amount of embryos we will be transferring this round . We went over injection HOW TO... We are pros . I had a sono to see how ovaries were looking ... They are great! So the Nurse gave us the go ahead to start injections Friday!! Then Martin the embryologist came in to meet with us because this process is a little different then the Fresh cycle. He told us that we have 2 really great embryos to work with and the others were ok. Which means we are transferring 2 it will better our chances :) .... The only crazy part of transferring 2 is that we have a greater chance of multiples.... :/ which we are happy with either 1 or 2 ...we just want HEALTHY! 

So as of right now I am taking my BCP until Tuesday 
Friday we start Lupron and then we have another appt scheduled  for August 1st for a follow up 

Say a little pray for us as we start our 2nd attempt 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Consultation with RE after failed IVF

I think Jeremy and I were both a little nervous going into the consult. I was scared that it failed because of something I did wrong. 
When we got in the office Dr. Doody basically explained that everything went perfect and gave us some scenarios on how it could of failed and what could have went wrong. 
He said in the lab everything looked great. I asked my question on if it was something I did wrong and he told us to chalk it up as just BAD LUCK! 

We are not going to let bad luck stop us from trying again. 
He talked to us about the next step and that we can move right along if we were ready. He also talked about how many to transfer this time. Just because 1 didn't work this time doesn't mean it won't work next time. But Jeremy and I have both decided that 2 will be transfered if we are able too. 

Dr Doody seems to think that it's just fine to put 2 :) 
Once we pay the financials Friday we will be on a roll for FET! 
Maybe 2nd times a charm 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Follow Up appt today after Failed IVF

Today at 11:30am I am hoping to have some answers. 
Was it me and something I did wrong 
Or was it just not ment to be. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My heart is broken

Yesterday was our 9dp5dt and I went in at 7am for my BETA (which is hcg bloodwork) 
I knew this day was going to be a rough one because of the wait. 
Any text message or phone call to my phone my heart sank. At 3PM I got a call from one of the nurses at the clinic. I tried to read into her tone of voice but really couldn't get anything from it. The she said we got your results back and Unfortunately the results were negative. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of work right away! The nurse said that I would need to meet with Dr. Doody for a consult. They tried to push it out until late next week. Well I can't wait! My heart needs to hear what happened. We are scheduled for a Monday appt to see what the next step is. 
I don't think I have ever felt this kind of hurt. Everything went perfect! All my levels have came back good we had a Grade 5AA embryo !! Well it went to waste!! All the shots! All the hurt!! All the tears!!  All the money!! 

I feel like I have let Jeremy down! As soon as I found out I called Jeremy right away ... The poor guy has been waiting for my call all day. The call I had to make was that it didn't work. I was hysterical couldn't breath coughing to the point of making myself gag! Jeremy left work right away and headed home! 

The rest of the night was just blah on and off crying. We are hoping to do another IVF cycle not sure what to do at this moment but we have 6 perfect embryos waiting on us to be there mommy and daddy! 
I pray that the next one has a better outcome! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm weak

I think I have wanted to test from the moment of the transfer ... I know crazy! 
I waited and waited even with everyone asking. The problem is I didn't wait long enough. 

Jeremy came home from a boys weekend fishing trip and I wanted to test with him. So we decided to take one knowing the chances. We are 7dp5dt .......too soon! 

Well we took it and it was a BFN! Then we started to research testing at this time frame and everything says stay positive 


A client of mine posted this today! 
Be Expectant 

God's power is released when we pray in faith, trusting and believing Him, because faith pleases Him. Expectancy is an attribute of faith that carries its own kind of power - the power of hope. Faith reaches out into the spiritual realm and expects God's supernatural power to show up and do what no person on Earth could do. Doubt, on the other hand, is afraid nothing good will happen; it does not please God and is not something He is able to bless. We are powerless when we live with doubt, disappointment, and a lack of confidence in God. 

Just think about a time when you were not really sure God would come through for you. You were not able to pray very powerful prayers, were you? Now recall a time when your heart trusted completely in God and you really believed that He would come through for you. You were able to pray then with a certain sense of power, weren't you? That's the power of expectation in prayer. Even if things don't work out exactly the way you hoped they would, trust God to know what is best and keep expecting Him to do great things. 

God's word for you today: Expect God to do great things in your life and pray boldly. 

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him." (Psalm 62:5 NIV)

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2010 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

Today was Transfer Day!

My excited face 
Started our drive with 2 Valium  and 2 bottles of water. We arrived to the Clinic and my bladder was already about to burst! I don't feel like the Valiums worked at all. 
The embryologist took us back and explained that all of our embryos looked great !! She showed us which little embie was the one! The embryologist picked the same one Jeremy picked a few days ago! I guess when you know you know ;) He totally got lucky with that one! It happened to be a 5AA which is a near perfect egg! The others would be freezing ... 6 possibly 7 would be going to the ice age :) 

 I think he is over my pictures 
I can't wait to be this mans baby mama;)
This one shows little bit back home!! The arrow point to the embryo 

9 days from now we will have our 1st BETA! Until now I'm gonna sit on my booty cause my husband won't let me do anything!